Le Réussi® Celebrates Women Who Inspire: Introducing Our Weekly Feature Series

At Le Réussi®, we believe in celebrating and empowering women who have made remarkable achievements in their careers and inspire others to pursue their passions and dreams. As part of our commitment to uplifting women, we are launching a new weekly feature campaign, where we highlight the stories of extraordinary women who have excelled in their fields, broken barriers, and continue to inspire those around them.

Each week, we’ll showcase the journey of a woman who embodies strength, perseverance, and excellence. These stories are meant to inspire others by showcasing how these women have navigated their careers, the lessons they’ve learned, and their personal reflections on life, style, and success.

We are thrilled to kick off this campaign with Maria McCain, a passionate dancer, professor, and woman of faith. Here’s her story:

The Passionate Journey of Maria McCain: Dance, Faith, and Self-Discovery

Can You Share a Bit About Yourself and What Drives Your Passions?
I am a 32-year-old woman in love with Jesus, family, friends, and life in general, with all of its ups and downs. I am currently a college professor and originally from New Orleans, LA. I am on a journey of life where I’m learning to embrace mistakes and weaknesses rather than run from them. Prayer, my Catholic-Christian faith, dance, family, and friends — and eating — are what I’m most passionate about, and they drive my life and my decisions.

What Does Your Role as a College Professor Entail?
I am the Director of Dance and an Assistant Professor of Dance at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. My job involves teaching various dance-related college courses, such as Modern Dance and Dance History. I also advise dance program students, plan our yearly dance concerts, and manage the administrative aspects of our program. (Grading is part of the job too!)

What Inspired You to Pursue a Career in Dance and Education?
Dance has always been a passion of mine since I was young. When I dance, I feel alive, like I am walking in my purpose, and I knew I couldn’t leave that behind when pursuing a profession. Dance also gives me a unique way to say something artistically through choreography. Now, I have the joy of giving this gift of dance back to my students and to the audiences who watch my performances and choreography.

What Are Some of Your Proudest Accomplishments in Your Dance Career So Far?
My most treasured achievements involve the choreography I’ve set on students and the opportunity to collaborate with incredibly talented dance artists and professionals in Houston. In my first semester at UST, I developed an entire forty-minute dance concert work, "Heaven and Earth," in which I also performed. Following this, I set work on Ad Deum Dance Company’s Mentorship program, collaborating with Nao Kusuzaki, a former soloist with the Houston Ballet. I’ve continued to set works on students and taken them to perform in other concerts as well. Randall Flinn, Michelle Smith, jhon stronks, and Jennifer Sommers have all been pivotal in my journey and helped me grow UST’s dance program.

How Would You Describe Your Personal Style, and How Does It Reflect Your Identity?
I tend to gravitate toward classic styles that won’t go out of fashion — clean lines, neutral colors, and anything with texture like lace or 3D embellishments. Being a dance professor, I need stylish yet functional clothing I can move in. Fashion, like dance, is another form of artistic expression for me. I often wake up knowing what colors I want to wear, and my style reflects my artistic and practical sides.

What Do You Prioritize When Selecting Luxury Women’s Clothing?
Fitted clothing that highlights the figure while maintaining modesty. I love block colors with textured embellishments, and I also have a soft spot for classic all-black outfits.

What Are Your Favorite Go-To Outfits for Special Occasions?
I love solid-color dresses that give me a nice silhouette, gold hoop earrings, and simple jewelry. Free People or Anthropologie pants with a modern twist are also favorites.

What Advice Would You Give to Young Women Looking to Build a Professional Career?
If you are a woman of faith, pray. Ask the Lord to reveal to you who you are meant to be. If not, search your heart and listen to yourself. In today’s world, many voices try to tell women who they should and shouldn’t be, but deep down, you know who you are meant to be. Get to know that woman, embrace her, and seek out a career that aligns with her. And work hard. Don’t ever stop working hard. It’s worth it.

Connect with Maria McCain:
Instagram: @mariajuliannemccain
Facebook: Maria Julianne McCain

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from remarkable women every week at Le Réussi®!

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