This company policy details the steps we're doing to prevent the spread of coronavirus. You are respectfully requested to strictly adhere to all of these guidelines in order to maintain a healthy and safe workplace in this unique setting. It's critical that we all respond to these health precautions properly and openly. We guarantee that your private health and personal data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.

  • Employees/clients must take their temperatures before reporting to work, and if their temperature is above 42 degrees Celsius, they must self-quarantine at home. Employees who have come into touch with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or coronavirus, or who has any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or coronavirus, must isolate themselves at home.
  • If an employee/client falls ill while on our grounds, he or she will be given a face mask and asked to leave the premises and seek medical assistance.
  • Employees/clients are not permitted to share devices on the job site, including cell phones. Only use your own tools and your phone.
  • We recommend that you wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Handwashing soap and water must be available in sufficient quantities. Hands must be washed for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • Hands should be dried with disposable paper towels, which will be provided as well. The used towels must be thrown away in a trash can that will also be provided. DO NOT THROW GARBAGE ON THE FLOOR. When available, hand sanitizer and disposable wipes will be provided.
  • Employees/clients should wipe down any tools before utilizing them with a disposable sanitizing wipe.
  • Employees/clients who sneeze or cough must do so onto a disposable tissue that must be disposed of appropriately in a trash receptacle supplied. Employees/clients should cough or sneeze into the crook of their elbow if a tissue is not available.
  • Meetings shall be confined to a small number of persons in order to maintain a six-foot separation, even if this needs more than one meeting to complete the meeting's objectives. This covers all meetings held for the purpose of safety training.
  • Meetings in the administrative offices will take the form of virtual conference calls. This ban will stay in force until the government lifts its limits on in-person meetings, including those imposed in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.